Meeting of the IUCN Community for Europe, North And Central Asia

The Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets (FPWC) is proud to announce that the IUCN Interregional Committee for Europe, North and Central Asia (ICENCA),  member of IUCN Member Committee recognised by the IUCN Council and led by a Steering Committee of nominated Member representatives, will be joining us for our annual SunChild International Environmental Festival in October 2023.

ICENCA's Steering Committee has accepted our invitation, viewing this as an opportunity to convene IUCN Members from Europe, North and Central Asia for informal sessions and training workshops, amplifying our shared commitment to nature conservation.

The FPWC is proud to announce that the IUCN Interregional Committee for Europe, North and Central Asia (ICENCA), an esteemed IUCN Member Committee recognised by the IUCN Council and led by a Steering Committee of nominated Member representatives, will be joining us for our annual SunChild International Environmental Festival in October 2023. This significant gathering will also mark the 20th anniversary of FPWC. ICENCA's Steering Committee has gratefully accepted our invitation, viewing this as an opportunity to convene IUCN Members from Europe, North and Central Asia for informal sessions and training workshops, amplifying our shared commitment to nature conservation.


What to expect?

This event will be a platform for fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among IUCN members from our region. Through informal meetings and engaging training workshops we aim to bolster the conservation efforts and pave the way for a sustainable future.

The event will:

  • provide opportunities for Members to prepare for the IUCN Regional Conservation Forum in 2024, including discussion workshops and training sessions.
  • host interregional meetings for Commission members and National Committees and Country Focal Points
  • held a Members reception for enhanced networking
  • be an opportunity to share experiences between colleagues and projects 
  • give the opportunity to join a field excursion